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Kopi Bubuk Kok Tong 500 gram

Kopi Bubuk Kok Tong 500 gram

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Regular price $11.88 SGD
Regular price Sale price $11.88 SGD
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Ready : Bubuk Kasar / Halus

Note : Kemasan kotak dan di dalam ada 2 pouch kemasan coklat 2 x @250 gram  Kemasan single pouch 1 bungkus warna coklat gbr -3 seperti kemasan 1 kg .. ( rasa sama jd tergantung stok kami kirim kan )

Bagi anda penikmat dan pecinta kopi, belum lengkap rasanya jika anda belum mencoba kopi yg satu ini , MASSA KOPI KOK TONG !! asli dari pematang siantar , dengan citarasa kopi klasik. aroma nya yg harum dan rasa kopi klasiknya akan membuat waktu santai anda lebih nikmat. dan sangat cocok ditemani dengan kue kering dan biskuit/wafer.

kopi Kok Tong asli dibuat dari biji kopi pilihan dan di olah sebaik mungkin sehingga menhasilkan bubuk kopi yg sangat nikmat ketika di seduh.

Tips menyeduh kopi :
- Seduh kopi dengan air mendidih hasil air rebusan ( bukan dari dispenser )
- Diamkan dulu sekitar 2 menit lalu diaduk 
- Tambahkan gula sesuai selera

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Please note the following exceptions to our return and exchange policy:

  • Discounted items are final and cannot be returned or exchanged
  • Returned items must have tags still on and be returned in original packaging
  • Returned items must have no visible signs of wear or use

To initiate a return or exchange, please complete the following steps:

  1. Share the unboxing video of the product
  2. Access to our portal
  3. Choose the products you wish to return or exchange from your order
  4. Print the prepaid shipping label that you will receive by email
  5. Send all items back to us using the label provided

Additional Information:

  • We need minimum 5 working days to process your refund, replacement product, or store credit
  • You (The customer) need to bear shipping fees to return the product
  • You (The customer) need to bear the lost or damaged returns
  • Kindly contact us at +65 8493 9927 or email us at when you have further enquiry
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